September 2011 ASHRAE Meeting
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 9:04AM
Site Administrator

TOPIC: Advancements in Variable Speed Technology – Centrifugal Chillers

PLACE: Spaghetti Warehouse, 397 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio

DATE: September 19, 2011

TIME: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

COST: $20 Local ASHRAE members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

REGISTRATION:  Click Here To Register

Presentation Summary:

Integration of new technologies in the field of magnetic bearings and high-speed motors with VFD’s, has opened up significant advancements in the sustainable efficiency improvements in centrifugal chillers.  Centrifugal chillers are a major component in a building’s energy consumption.  We would like to explain the technology, and how it relates directly to system performance improvements, sustainable oil-free operation, and lowering energy consumed.

Speaker Bio – Bruce Barrett, Product Sales Manager

Bruce Barrett is a Chiller Products Consultant  for McQuay International, focusing on applied chilled water products and systems.   He has over 18 years experience in HVAC, including manufacturing, distribution, marketing and strategic sales.  Over 10 years of his professional career have been specifically focused on chilled water systems and new product development.  Bruce holds a BS degree from Winona State University of Minnesota in Economics and Social Science.

Article originally appeared on ASHRAE®- Columbus Chapter (
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