Greetings! Please join us for our May 21st Lunch and Technical Presentation. Doug Zentz will be presenting an introduction to ASHRAE 189.1, “Standards for the Design of High Performance Buildings; except Low-Rise Residential”
Registration will close Wednesday, May 16th at noon. Walk-ins are no longer able to attend luncheons. If you are planning to attend you must pre-register.
The presentation will address the following in reference to ASHRAE 189.1; (a) Why have it?, (b) Relationship to Other ASHRAE Standards, and (c) What is in the Standard. The content of the details of the standard will be covered in a general context (due to time) as it will outline the areas of the standard, show Mandatory elements within each area of the standard, and then illustrate the two paths of compliance (prescriptive and performance) for each area of the standard.
Doug Zentz
Douglas F. Zentz, Associate Professor, is the Program Coordinator for the HVACR Programs within the College of Engineering Technology at Ferris State University. He received his Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Purdue University in 1980 and his Master degree in Career and Technical Education from Ferris State University in 2007. He is a past President of West Michigan ASHRAE, a past RVC of Student Activities for Region V, and past Chair for Student Activities within ASHRAE. Doug received the Distinguished Service Award from ASHRAE in 2015 and is the RMCR for Region V.
In the area of professional speaking, he has been the guest speaker at over 50 events since 2005. Organizations which have invited him to speak include: Mechanical Contractors of America, Air Conditioning Contractors of America and ASHRAE.