Topic: ASHRAE 189.1, Standard for High-Performance Green Buildings
Location: OSU Golf Club, 3605 Tremont Road
Date: September 20, 2010
Time: Registration 11:30 am, Program 11:45 am
Price: $20.00
Registration: Click Here
Dr. Lawrence is a Public Service Associate with the University of Georgia, and has 30 years of professional experience in engineering and environmentally related fields. Before going back for his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue, he spent approximately 20 of those years in progressively more responsible engineering and management positions in industry and consulting. He is the chair of ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.8, “Building Environmental Impact and Sustainability”, and is a member of the committee which wrote the ASHRAE standard on high-performance green buildings (Standard 189.1). As an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, he gives presentations and workshops on green building design at venues around the world. At the University of Georgia, Dr. Lawrence teaches courses in Building HVAC, Green Building Design, Residential Building Design, and Heat Transfer. As part of the Engineering Outreach program, he is helping to coordinate building energy reduction activities within the entire university system for the state of Georgia.
Dr. Lawrence has a B.S. with Highest Distinction honors in Environmental Science from Purdue University (1978), a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Oregon State University (1982) and a second M.S. degree in Engineering Management from Washington University earned in 1989. He received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in the spring of 2004 researching the impacts of demand-controlled ventilation on energy consumption and indoor air quality in smaller commercial buildings.