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2016 Golf Outing
Picture Gallery
2016 Golf Outing (0)
2015 Golf Outing (3)
August 2013 Region V CRC (81)
Pictures from the August 8-10 ASHRAE Region V CRC at the Hilton Downtown in Columbus Ohio -
Monday April 18, 2011 (3)
Pictures from Tour -
Monday March 21, 2011 (3)
Pictures with ASHRAE President Lynn Bellenger -
Monday, January 17, 2011 (4)
Carl Shultz - ASHRAE Energy Design Guides -
Monday, November 15, 2010 (4)
Tour of Nationwide Arena -
Monday February 15, 2010 (6)
The presentation was a BIM roundatble. Here are some pictures taken from my camera phone. -
Monday November 16, 2009 (1)
Scott DeGier – Multistack LLC Heating with refrigerants -
Monday, September 21 , 2009 (1)
Program: Fan Energy Efficiency