March 2011 ASHRAE Meeting
Topic: Modeling a Sustainable World
Speaker: Lynn Bellenger - ASHRAE President
Place: OSU Golf Club, 3605 Tremont Road
Date: Monday, March 21, 2011
Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am
Price: $20 Local ASHRAE members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members
Registration: Click Here To Register
Notes: “Modeling a Sustainable World” highlights the role ASHRAE members play as leaders in sustainable design. In energy simulation, daylight analysis, CFD, and BIM software, we have powerful modeling tools that enable us to create and redefine our vision of a building – its appearance, systems, operation, and performance. Those resources, used effectively in an integrated design process for new buildings and in analyzing retrofit opportunities in existing buildings, will help us guide building owners, architects, developers, and contractors in building orientation, shading and shape and in selecting materials, windows, equipment, and systems that optimize building performance.
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