January 2013 ASHRAE Luncheon Meeting

Topic: Net Zero Energy Ready Installation - Strategies, Tactics and Tools
Place: Spaghetti Warehouse, 397 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio
Date: Monday, January 21, 2013
Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am
Cost: $20 Local ASHRAE Members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members
Presenter: Dr Richard J Liesen
Registration: Click Here
Current Federal/DOD Energy Laws, Polices and Directives from the Energy Policy Act 2005 to The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and several Executive Orders have formed the current Army Net Zero Energy Policy. Current Army goals are to have 7 Net Zero installations by 2020, 25 by 2031 and all by 2058. The problem is that path and process is difficult and needs to be customized for a very diverse set of locations and buildings, and still maintain the Army’s primary mission. To address this task a research project was initiated in 2010 titled “Modeling Net Zero Installations” to develop a process and tool to optimally meet these requirements. This presentation will present the requirements, the process that has been developed, and show some example case studies.
Presenter Bio
Dr. Richard J. Liesen Ph.D. joined the US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in June 2009. He is currently a Co-PI for the “Modeling Net Zero Installations”, “Modeling and Mitigation of Energy Losses in Building Envelopes”, and “High Performance Building Operations” research projects, as well as working on other various building energy efficiency projects for permanent Army Installations, mainly in the U.S.
Before CERL Dr. Liesen worked at Owens Corning at the Science & Technology Center in Granville, OH and when he left he was the R&D Leader of the Building Science group.
Before Owens Corning Dr. Liesen was the Research Professor and Associate Director in the Building Systems Laboratory at the University of Illinois. At the Building Systems Lab he was on the original development team for the merger between BLAST and DOE-2 energy analysis programs to produce the National Energy Analysis Program called “EnergyPlus™,” supported by the Department of Energy (DOE).