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ASHRAE Columbus September Event

Topic: Legionella Disease in HVAC Systems
Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus
Date: Monday, September 15, 2014
Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am
Cost: $20 Local ASHRAE Members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members
Speaker: Karrie Bontrager, LEED AP, Principal, Director of Environmental Services, Lawhon & Associates, Inc.

The presentation will provide attendees with an overview of Legionella and Legionellosis, current standards and guidelines and strategies for evaluating and managing environmental exposures.

Karrie A. Bontrager, LEED AP, is a Microbiologist with 15 years of environmental consulting experience relative to indoor air quality, microbial contamination and environmental infection control. Karrie has completed over 1,000 investigations to characterize building conditions and occupant exposures and has designed and implemented monitoring programs and corrective action plans to address airborne and waterborne pathogens during facility renovation, construction and operation. Ms. Bontrager leads all environmental infection control projects at L&A and recently served as the lead consultant during theLegionella outbreak at Wesley Ridge Retirement Community.


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