ASHRAE Columbus October Event
Topic: Ethics
Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus
Date: Monday, October19, 2015
Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am
Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members
Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted. If you are planning on attending you must preregister.
Speaker: John Greenhalge, Executive Director of the Ohio State Board for Professional Engineers and Surveyors
John Greenhalge is the Executive Director of the Ohio State Board for Professional Engineers and Surveyors, which is the state agency that regulates and licenses the professions of engineering and surveying in Ohio. The Board has approximately 30,000 registered professional engineers and professional surveyors, 2,500 registered engineering and surveying firms and administers more than 2,500 licensing examinations yearly. The Board's mission is to safeguard the health, safety, property and welfare of the citizens of Ohio by providing effective licensure and regulation of professional engineers, professional surveyors and engineering and surveying firms.