Topic: Space Pressurization: Concept and Practice
Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus
Date: Monday, April 21, 2014
Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am
Cost: $20 Local ASHRAE Members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members
Program teaches ventilation control design for critical pressurized spaces such as laboratories, clean rooms and health care facilities. Topics run from basic physics of pressurization, through air flow control technology and detailed design procedures. Covers goals and concepts behind pressurization. Emphasis on the importance of the room envelope. Explains the common control methods, and when to choose each one.
Jim Coogan is a Principal in product development and applications at Siemens Building Technologies. In 30 years designing controls for mechanical systems, he has contributed to products ranging from simple room controllers to Internet-based operator interfaces. His work has resulted in numerous patents.
Jim has chaired several ASHRAE Technical Committees including, Control Theory and Applications, and Laboratory Systems. He also chairs the committee developing the first version of a Standard Method of Test for Airflow Controls. Jim served as vice-chair of the AIHA committee that revised the Z9.5 Standard: Laboratory Ventilation. Jim has participated in various activities in the Labs for the 21st Century program.
Publications include technical papers on room pressurization and laboratory system commissioning. Jim earned his SB in mechanical engineering at MIT.
Lunch is not guaranteed if a member does not pre-register. Lunch and Event registration fees are not refundable.