
ASHRAE Columbus November Event

Topic: Selecting Controls to Meet your Needs

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, November 17, 2014

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $20 Local ASHRAE Members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

SpeakerSteven Amato, Commercial Distribution Rep for Honeywell.

Steven has been with Honeywell for over 37 years. He worked in Sales, Sales Management and Marketing. Presently, he is the Commercial Distribution Rep for Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania.

He was the President of ABMA Education Committee in 1984. Also, he has written several parts of technical manuals such as the Firing Line Reference Manual and the Flame Safeguard Specifying Engineers Manual.
He has been living in Cincinnati since 1986. He has taught technical Seminars around the US for Honeywell in the past and presently, holds classes on Flame Safeguard, DDC, Economizers and VFDs in the states that he covers.




ASHRAE Columbus October Event

Topic: Overview of the Development and Revisions of ASHRAE Standards

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, October 20, 2014

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $20 Local ASHRAE Members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Abstract: This talk provides an overview that will help you:

  • Understand the functions of:
    • ASHRAE Technical Committees (TCs)
    • ASHRAE Standards Project Committees (SPCs)
    • The ASHRAE Standards Committees (StdC)
  • Understand how you can participate on ASHRAE Standards Project Committees even if you don't attend ASHRAE Conferences
  • Become more aware of existing ASHRAE Standards that directly affect your business


Rick Hall, President of the ASHRAE Standards Committee.  Mr. Hall is a Mechanical Engineer who retired from Battelle 5 years ago and is now the President of Hall Consultants, LLC located in Worthington OH.  Mr. Hall has been the Chair of several new and revision Standards Project Committees over the past 25 years.  His web site is www.hallintegratedsystemsdesign.com and his email address is rhall.1492@gmail.com.

During his career, Mr. Hall led project teams that:

  • Developed and delivered two identical hermetically-sealed temperature control modules for a deep-space satellite (1979)
  • Repackaged a 2-cylinder production hermetic compressor into an open-shaft version to support Battelle's Gas Engine Heat Pump project (1986-87)
  • Designed and constructed a prototype Gas Engine Heat Pump system and then chamber tested it in an OEM's test chamber (1988)
  • Developed methods that were used to convert several specialized test equipment systems from CFC to HFC refrigerants at Newark AFB and Tinker AFB (1993-94)
  • Served as an expert witness on behalf of an OEM in patent litigation (1999)
  • Developed and constructed the first known biological test chamber that is capable of safely testing an entire bio-detection system's capability to detect anthrax, ricin, and other bio-warfare agent aerosols (2007-08)
  • Developed and delivered replicates of a chiller system for the Navy's Advanced SEAL Delivery System (a special mini-submarine) (2007-09)

Register Now!



Please join us for our MCACO/ASHRAE/SFPE/ASPE joint dinner meeting.

4:30-5:30: Code Update Class -Jack Soma -State of Ohio
5:30-6:45: Tabletop Expo
6:45: Dinner
Cost: $25

Menu:  BBQ ribs, Chicken Gloria, Swedish Meatballs over Noodles, Potato & Cheese casserole, Fresh green beans, & Tossed Salad.  An open bar will be available during the expo and dinner.

Register Now!



ASHRAE Columbus September Event

Topic: Legionella Disease in HVAC Systems
Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus
Date: Monday, September 15, 2014
Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am
Cost: $20 Local ASHRAE Members, $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members
Speaker: Karrie Bontrager, LEED AP, Principal, Director of Environmental Services, Lawhon & Associates, Inc.

The presentation will provide attendees with an overview of Legionella and Legionellosis, current standards and guidelines and strategies for evaluating and managing environmental exposures.

Karrie A. Bontrager, LEED AP, is a Microbiologist with 15 years of environmental consulting experience relative to indoor air quality, microbial contamination and environmental infection control. Karrie has completed over 1,000 investigations to characterize building conditions and occupant exposures and has designed and implemented monitoring programs and corrective action plans to address airborne and waterborne pathogens during facility renovation, construction and operation. Ms. Bontrager leads all environmental infection control projects at L&A and recently served as the lead consultant during theLegionella outbreak at Wesley Ridge Retirement Community.


Register Now!

 Click here for the presentation


ASHRAE Columbus Membership Directory

Want to be part of a comprehensive snapshot of the AEC community?  The local ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) chapter is putting together a Product and Service Index as part of their Member Directory and invites you to participate.  Ever needed multiple service or equipment providers?  Or wanted to know who else provides Commissioning services in Central Ohio?  Here is your chance.  Sponsor the directory here (http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=mhvegidab&oeidk=a07e98755a9e683cd63) and be listed this great quick reference tool!