Topic: Fan Testing and System Effect, Fan Balance and Vibration
Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus, Ohio
Date: Monday, January 27, 2014
Time: Registration 11:30am. Program 11:45am
Cost: $20 Local ASHRAE Members. $25 Non-Local ASHRAE Members
Registration: Click Here
Ron Michael is the Northeast Regional manager for Loren Cook Company. Mr. Michaels' educational background includes a BS in Environmental Design from the University of Oklahoma. He has been employed by Loren Cook since 1993 in engineering and field management. Mr. Michael has prepared many presentations on fan issues for ASHRAE, AMCA, and NEBB groups.
"Fan Testing and System Effect"
This presentation is based on information from AMCA publication 201-90 "Fans and Systems". The presentation will focus on the question, "Why does a fan, tested in accordance with AMCA Standards, sometimes fail to perform up to rating when installed in a system?"
"Fan Balance and Vibration"
This presentation is based on information from AMCA 204-05 "Balance Quality and Vibration Levels for Fans" and ASHRAE information on proper base and isolation requirements. This presentation will focus on the question, "Why does a fan, balanced in accordance with AMCA Standard 204-05 experience vibration after being installed in the field?"