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ASHRAE Columbus September Event

Behind the Scenes look at the Ohio Building Codes

In addition to alerting you to some noteworthy code changes that will be coming our way to Ohio on November 1, Steve and Debbie will introduce you to the Ohio Board of Building Standards. They will explain the duties of the Board, the BBS staff, as well as the duties of building departments, and how the approval process is supposed to work.  They will provide insight into how the Ohio Building Codes are adopted, explain how the codes work together and perhaps inspire you to get involved in the code development process.

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, September 18, 2017

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.


Steve Regoli, a graduate of OSU, was licensed to practice architecture in Ohio in 1981 and then went on to complete graduate school in 1983. He is employed by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as Architect Administrator with responsibility for the development of Ohio construction codes as well as oversight of the Ohio Industrialized Unit Program, MIS resources, and Board budgeting and planning.

Deborah Ohler, P.E. is a mechanical engineering graduate of the Ohio State University and a staff engineer for the Ohio Board of Building Standards.  Her responsibilities in support of the board include code development and technical support primarily in the areas of fire protection, mechanical, plumbing, energy conservation, boilers, and elevators.  She also is the primary staff person responsible for filing the rules of the board with the Legislative Service Commission and the Joint Commission on Agency Rule Review.

Criteria for submitting rule changes to the board of building standards

OBBS Online Resources

OBBS Rule Adoption Process

Ohio Board of Building Standards Understanding its Role and Recent Code Updates

Summary of BBS Proposed Ohio Mechanical Code Rule Changes

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