
YEA September Energy Standards Class

Please join us for the 1st in our series of training sessions for those who are new to the industry. This class will be held at 10am before the September Lunch and Technical Presentation

Topic: What every Young Engineer Need to Know About ASHRAE and Energy Standards

 Course Synopsis:

  • What are the opportunites in ASRAE for you members beyond attendeding the local chapter meetings.
  • What are the advantages in participating in ASHRAE at a national level   
  • Development of energy standards for buildings.

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, September 26, 2017

Time: 10:00am-11:15am

Cost: $0 Local ASHRAE Members, $10 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Speaker: Merle F. McBride, Ph.D., P.E., Research Fellow, has been at the Owens Corning Center of Science and Technology

Dr. McBride has been at the Owens Corning Center of Science and Technology in Granville, Ohio for 40 years.  He received his degrees in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University and is a registered professional engineer in Ohio.  His technical focus has been on the energy performance of residential and commercial buildings which he has used in the development of U.S. energy codes and standards.  Dr. McBride has been an active member in ASHRAE at the national level since 1976, has served on several Technical Committees, was a contributing author to handbook chapters and served ten years on the Standards Committee.  His current committee appointments include: Standards 90.1, 90.2 and 189.1.  He has been on all eleven of the ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide committees.  Dr. McBride has over 100 publications, was awarded two U.S. patents, and received multiple awards from ASHRAE and industry.

ASHRAE Annual Golf Outing

It's that time of the year!  The Annual ASHRAE Columbus Golf Outing is just around the corner!

You are invited to attend the can't miss golf outing of the summer, the Annual ASHRAE Columbus Golf Outing! This event is always well attended so don't delay in registering.  As in year's past, we'll be offering lots of raffle prizes and different contests on the course.  We are also offering a new sponsorship opportunity this year which is the chance to provide a full product showcase in the parking lot!  This year the outing will be held on Sepember 16th at Bent Tree Golf Club.  

Click on the link below to register.  All the proceeds from this event are donated to ASHRAE for Research Promotion (RP).  These funds are then used for helping to propel our industry to the next level of efficiency, sustainability, and comfort.  

Thank you for continuing to support ASHRAE and we look forward to seeing you at the outing this year!

Get more information

Register Now!



ASHRAE Columbus March Event

Topic: Vibration Isolation per International Building Code for Seismic and Wind Requirements

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, March 21, 2016

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.

Speakers: Chris Webb and Jason Palestrant, Kinetics Noise Control

Chris Webb has been working with MEP Contractors and Engineers for almost 20 years. Chris started as an Estimator for MW Sausse in Northern California in 1997. MW Sausse, also known as Vibrex, is a founding member of VISCMA along with Kinetics Noise Control and Mason Industries. In the early 2000s, California began upgrading all of its hospitals to meet current seismic codes. At this time, Chris was VP of Seismic for Clement Support Services, the largest distributor of Tolco seismic bracing in the United States. Chris then moved to Tomarco/ ISAT, another leading manufacturer of OSHPD pre-approved seismic bracing, before coming to work for Kinetics where he currently manages sales representatives in 27 different states.
 Just a few of the signature projects Chris has been involved with include:
- Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, CA, new home of the San Francisco 49ers
- Salesforce Tower, San Francisco, CA, tallest structure West of the Mississippi River
- Apple Campus 2, Cupertino, CA, Apple's $500 million new headquarters
- Ft. Bliss Replacement Hospital, El Paso, TX, 1,132,237 square feet
Jason Palestrant has been working in the construction industry for over 20 years. Starting out as a Mason's Laborer in 1994, Jason later moved on to begin his professional career as a Custom/Luxury residential designer with a focus on homes in the 5000+ square foot range. In the 12+ years on the residential side of the industry Jason held a non-voting seat on the Central Ohio Code Officials Association and took 1st place in 2 National Design Competitions in Custom Luxury Design. After the economic collapse in the early 2000's, Jason switched career paths initially joining Kinetics Noise Control in the HVAC applications group and later moving into a sales role where he is currently supporting representatives in United States and Canada markets.





ASHRAE Columbus February Event

Topic: Methodical Approach to Sustainability in Laboratories

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, February 15, 2016

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.

Speaker: Jim Coogan, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer

Sustainability is an idea based on a long term outlook.  Turning your labs green requires that same long term view.  This talk presents a step-by-step approach to assessing and improving the environmental performance of a laboratory facility.  Lab ventilation and energy issues are introduced for background. A variety of energy conservation measures are discussed along with an assessment program to determine which measures are most appropriate for a particular facility.  True sustainability includes indoor environmental health, so the best approach brings responsible EH&S professionals into the process from the start.
Jim Coogan is a Principal in product development and applications at Siemens Building Technologies. In 30 years designing controls for mechanical systems, he has contributed to products ranging from simple room controllers to Internet-based operator interfaces. His work has resulted in numerous patents. Jim has chaired several ASHRAE Technical Committees including, Control Theory and Applications, and Laboratory Systems. He also chairs the committee developing the first version of a Standard Method of Test for Airflow Controls. Jim served as vice-chair of the AIHA committee that revised the Z9.5 Standard: Laboratory Ventilation. Jim has participated in various activities in the Labs for the 21st Century program. Publications include technical papers on room pressurization and laboratory system commissioning. Jim earned his SB in mechanical engineering at MIT.

ASHRAE Columbus January Event

Topic: Saving Water (The Other Liquid Gold) and Opportunities for Cooling System Efficiency through Alternate Water Treatment Methodologies

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, January 18, 2016

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.

Speaker: Max Martina, President of Griswold Water Systems

Did you know that a 1000 Ton tower operating at 75% capacity at average cycles of concentration will consume in excess of 17 million gallons of water per year? That same tower will discharge nearly 6 million gallons to the sanitary system.  Average water purchase and discharge costs total more than $80,000 per year, every year, for the life of the tower.  To make matters worse, water cooled systems and associated water treatment are often "out-of-sight, out of mind" leading to dirty systems that hog energy and threaten human health and safety.  
Cooling systems are ripe for efficiency improvements especially when this efficiency is dramatically impacted by the quality of water treatment rendered - which usually involves significant chemical consumption, cost, handling, and chemical discharge.  This session will discuss the technical aspects of alternative, LEED-friendly water treatment methods with a focus on recent advances in electrodynamic treatment methods  The session will highlight system operation, design, and operating principles while addressing how opportunities for significant cost containment and overall system expense reduction are verifiable.
Max Martina is President of Griswold Water Systems, a member of the Griswold Family of Companies in business since 1936.  Max has been with the company for 11+ years in many different capacities including engineering, sales, and management roles. In addition to numerous speaking engagements, Max served as an advisor for Pacific Community Ventures, a San Francisco-based local business incubator with a triple bottom line.  Prior to work with Griswold Water Systems, Max served as the Managing Director of the Alternative Energy Institute, was featured as a guest on CNNfn, MSNBC, and has been quoted in multiple print articles.   Max holds a graduate degree from Harvard University and currently resides on an Island near Seattle, WA.