
ASHRAE Columbus December Event

Topic: Project Risk - Understanding it, Preparing for it, and Managing it

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, December 21, 2015

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.

Speaker: Karen Tate, PMI Fellow, MBA, PMP, The Griffin Tate Group

Karen Tate, PMI Fellow, MBA, PMP, is president of The Griffin Tate Group, Inc. and is an international recognized expert with 25+ years engineering, project management, construction, and procurement experience including Bechtel, General Electric, DuPont, P&G, and Lilly.
She has co-authored several books, including:
  • The Project Management Memory Jogger
  • The Risk Management Memory Jogger
  • The Advanced Project Management Memory Jogger
  • The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course on Project Management
  • Perfect Phrases for Project Management (McGraw-Hill)
  • Getting Started in Project Management (Wiley & Sons)

Karen is a Fellow of the Project Management Institute (PMI), PMI's highest and most prestigious individual award.  Karen served six years on the PMI International Board of Directors.  Karen is also a Senior Life Member of the Society of Women Engineers.  Karen is the founder of The Griffin Tate Group, a certified Women's Business Enterprise and a Global, Charter, Registered Education Provider of the Project Management Institute, providing project management and leadership training to organizations to build skills and improve project success rates.  


ASHRAE Columbus November Event

TopicApplications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the Built Environment

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, November 16, 2015

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.

SpeakerDr. Kishor Khankari, Ph.D.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been widely used in a variety of industrial sectors for analysis, and optimization of the designs. It can be employed as a design and analysis tool of ventilation systems for built environment. CFD predicts airflow patterns, temperature and relative humidity distribution, thermal comfort parameters, and effectiveness of ventilation for indoor and outdoor spaces. This presentation will provide basic introduction to CFD simulations and discuss how it can be employed in the analysis and optimization of HVAC designs starting at the conceptual stage.

Dr. Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. provides engineering solutions and insights through Physics based simulations and analyses. Kishor has several years of experience in providing optimized HVAC solutions to a wide variety of applications involving external wind engineering, plume dispersion, displacement ventilation, natural ventilation, radiant heating and cooling, and indoor air quality and thermal comfort optimization for office spaces, patient rooms, operating rooms, cleanrooms, justice facilities, data centers, and warehouses. Dr. Khankari has developed a patented technology of a wind band design of exhaust fan assembly systems. He has developed several easy-to-use analytical software tools which are regularly used by design engineers in a variety companies including those in HVAC industry, critical facilities, and automotive industries.

A noted expert in his field, he has a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and has been regularly published in several technical journals and trade magazines. Dr. Khankari is an eloquent speaker and has made several presentations on topics related to design and optimization of HVAC systems at various technical conferences and professional meetings. Dr. Kishor Khankari is an active member of ASHRAE both at local and national level. He is a past President of Detroit ASHRAE Chapter. He is a past Chair of ASHRAE Technical Committee TC9.11 Clean Spaces and a Member of Research Administration Committee (RAC) at national level.

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ASHRAE Columbus October Event


Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, October19, 2015

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.

Speaker: John Greenhalge, Executive Director of the Ohio State Board for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

John Greenhalge is the Executive Director of the Ohio State Board for Professional Engineers and Surveyors, which is the state agency that regulates and licenses the professions of engineering and surveying in Ohio. The Board has approximately 30,000 registered professional engineers and professional surveyors, 2,500 registered engineering and surveying firms and administers more than 2,500 licensing examinations yearly. The Board's mission is to safeguard the health, safety, property and welfare of the citizens of Ohio by providing effective licensure and regulation of professional engineers, professional surveyors and engineering and surveying firms.

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ASHRAE Columbus September Event

Topic: ASHRAE Standard 90.1 - Overview of Strategic Issues

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, September 28, 2015

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister.

Speaker: Merle F. McBride, Ph.D., P.E., Research Fellow, Owens Corning Center of Science and Technology

Merle F. McBride, Ph.D., P.E., Research Fellow, has been at the Owens Corning Center of Science and Technology in Granville, Ohio for 39 years. He received his degrees in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University and is a registered professional engineer in Ohio. His technical focus has been on the energy performance of residential and commercial buildings which he has used in the development of U.S. energy codes and standards. Dr. McBride has been an active member in ASHRAE at the national level since 1976, has served on several Technical Committees, was a contributing author to handbook chapters and served ten years on the Standards Committee. His current committee appointments include: Standards 90.1, 90.2 and 189.1. He has been on all eleven of the ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide committees. Dr. McBride has over 100 publications, was awarded two U.S. patents, and received multiple awards from ASHRAE and industry.

The Ohio Board of Building Standards is determining whether or not to upgrade the current Ohio energy code from ASHRAE Std. 90.1-2007 to either Std. 90.1-2010 or Std. 90.1-2013.  As part of their evaluation background information was provided as needed.  This detailed information was highly valued and thought to be of general interest to the ASHRAE Columbus Chapter.  The focus of the presentation is to provide an overview of the strategic issues including those in the past, present and future.  Specific issues include a short background to set the context, the ASHRAE Board of Directors strategy, the LCC economic analysis used in support of the criteria development, the national energy savings achieved, expansion of the scope to address internal process loads, directional changes due to the impact of the law of diminishing returns, climate zone revisions and addition, status of state adoptions plus current and future challenges.

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ASHRAE Columbus May Event

Topic: AEP Ohio Retrocommissioning Program

Place: Grange Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus

Date: Monday, May 18, 2015

Time: Registration 11:30am, Program 11:45am

Cost: $25 Local ASHRAE Members, $35 Non-Local ASHRAE Members

Beginning in 2015, walk-ins will no longer be accepted.  If you are planning on attending you must preregister. Registration closes Friday, February 13th.

Speaker: Dylan Matthews, Nexant

Dylan Matthews with Nexant will discuss the AEP Ohio Retrocommissioning Program - What it is about and  how you can sign up.

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